GM GM, I’m Shruti🚀

As a certified Ethereum Developer, I have experience implementing various protocols in different projects, from NFT websites to Supply Chain Systems. I specialize in designing, developing, testing, and deploying smart contracts on multiple blockchain platforms. I am eager to collaborate with skilled developers who can mentor me and help me grow. I am passionate about learning and contributing to cutting-edge projects.

Reach out to me on:


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And here’s my resume💗





<aside> ✅ Ethereum Degree & Founder's Badge by LearnWeb3DAO

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➡️Awards & Recognitions

● Won 1st Prize and Rs. 6000 in Shark Tank conducted by IEEE VIT for the most innovative idea for a startup. ● Won 2nd Prize and Rs. 3000 in the Alegria Hackathon conducted by Pillai College of Engineering. ● Published an article titled “Understanding Blockchain Technology” in the IEEE India Council Newsletter 2021. ● Section Representative at AISWYLC 2021, Kerala organized by IEEE India Council.

● Founder’s Badge by LearnWeb3DAO for being one of the early adopters.

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